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MELDA Melda MDrumLeveler (Digital product)

MELDA Melda MDrumLeveler (Digital product)
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Manufacturer: MELDA

Manufacturers Part Number: 1178-848

MDrumLeveler is a unique tool specially designed for drums and percussive materials. It will improve the drum performances, stabilize drum hit levels, remove leakage and ambience and let you control the drum hits better than you ever could with traditional tools.Traditional dynamic processors (compressors, expanders, gates...) detect levels of input samples and transform them depending on the transfer curve. This means that the gain is changing on every sample. This can be very well used to shape the sound itself, but it is hard to make it transparent if you want to level individual drum hits. MDrumLeveler on the other hand analyzes the incoming audio, detects events (drum hits for example) in it and transforms them in some way. By that approach it adjusts the level of each event, but does not alter the actual sound or color, so the results are unbelievably transparent.No drummer's performance is perfect, each hit has a different velocity, and difference in levels are even exaggerated by the recording equipment. But there is a very high standard for perfection in performances for most modern styles. Vocalists regularly use an automatic tuner, drummers now have MDrumLeveler. It can even out drum hit levels, so the performance will just sound perfect even if, well, it is not.
License : Full Version
Compatibility : MS Windows
System requirements : Mac OSX 10.14

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