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Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy EU Steam Altergift - discussion

Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy EU Steam Altergift
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Manufacturer: Kinguin

Manufacturers Part Number: 5e3407a6d1032188996d97bf

Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a punishing climbing game, a homage to Jazzuo's 2002 B-Game classic 'Sexy Hiking'. You move the hammer with the mouse, and that's all there is. With practice, you'll be able to jump, swing, climb and fly. Great mysteries and a wonderful reward await the master hikers who reach the top of the mountain. To quote Jazzuo himself: "The hiking action is very similar to way you would do it in real life, remember that and you will do well". Features Climb up an e

Price £6.39 in 1 shop

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