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Data Engineering And Visualization Bundle

Data Engineering And Visualization Bundle
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Manufacturer: Fanatical

Data engineering covers many aspects of system building, enabling the collection and usage of data, the subsequent analysis and data science, often involving machine learning and general data processing. All of these are key employment skills and require study and great tutorage.
Our new Data Engineering And Visualization Bundle from the established library of Taylor and Francis’ acclaimed authors will take the user through the introductory basics to the more in-depth details of Data Visualisation with charts, graphs, map and other visual tools. 
Containing 20 all-new-to-Fanatical books, this is an exceptionally high-value bundle with something for everyone working, or looking to start in this field.
Tier One introduces three eBooks including Data Visualization: Principles and Practice, illustrating various applications of data visualizations and the range of problems that can be tackled.
Computer Visualization: Graphics Techniques for Engineering and Scientific Analysis combines a basic overview of the fundamentals of computer graphics with a practitioner-oriented review of the 3-D graphics display and visualization techniques. 
Tier Two offers up an additional 6 books and Tier One’s content. 
With two titles covering the 3D environment: Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments and the impressively titled: Interaction Design for 3D User Interfaces: The World of Modern Input Devices for Research, Applications, and Game Deve

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